For the purposes of promoting the various human rights,
military intervention appears to be extremely limited in what it can be
expected to accomplish. The available literature
shows that for women’s rights, only political rights
can possibly be improved through the use of military intervention, though
economic and social rights suffer as a result.
Even this small benefit is shown to only be the result of IGO military
intervention, which would be multilateral by nature. However, it is possible the increase of
women’s political rights could eventually result in the increasing of economic
and social rights for women, though that possibility was not addressed in the
literature. From the same study showing
the effect of military intervention on women’s rights, it was shown that any
unilateral intervention by the US significantly reduces women’s political
rights, and worsens women’s economic rights.
Again, a possible result of the worsening of those rights might be a
reduction of women’s social rights, over time, though this, like the above
possible effects of increased political rights, was not addressed by the study
in question (Peksen 2011).
In terms of how military intervention
effects physical integrity rights (the right to not be tortured, killed
extra-judiciously, disappeared, or imprisoned for political beliefs), it seems
intervention, if it has any effect at all, is likely to worsen respect for
human rights. However, the study in
question here did provide the caveat that a major limitation was its “focus on
a single country’s use of force (US) or a small subset (3rd party…in
civil wars) of intervention cases”. In
addition to this limitation, only a one-stage econometric model was used, and
overlooked the issue of endogeneity. Furthermore,
the countries selected had poor human rights conditions to begin with as a
result of “ongoing complex humanitarian crises.” More research was claimed to be necessary to
address these shortcomings (Peksen 2011).
There was one circumstance in which
military intervention could be seen as a way of promoting human rights;
genocides/politicides. One study by
Matthew Krain finds that military interventions directed against perpetrators
of genocide do have some good effects.
He also finds that interventions where the interveners maintain a
posture of impartiality do nothing.
Krain qualifies his findings by allowing for the possibility that the
effects he found might be short lived, and that over a longer term the harm
could be greater than if there had been no intervention in the first
place. Another possible weakness in his
research deals with the number of combat personnel sent in by interveners,
where higher numbers and greater power could have an even greater effect by
sending a message to the rights abusers that to continue the abuses will be
very costly. Lower troop levels could
have the opposite effect and result in greater numbers or more egregious rights
abuses during the genocides (Krain 2005).
For all of the aforementioned reasons, military intervention likely
serves as a response, with some attendant immediacy, to pacify the clamoring
from the public to “do something, anything.”
Especially considering military intervention generally has little real
hope of bringing about the desired changes, and should only be used to quell
genocides with the use of a substantial military force.
Economic sanctions seem to be about
as effective as military interventions, which is to say they are not
effective. Research shows that not only
are economic sanctions failures in achieving stated policy objectives by the
sanctioning nation(s), they risk greater human rights abuses as an unintended
consequence. The same research shows
that the abuses get even greater when the sanctions are applied multilaterally. The specific study this opinion is based on
goes on to say, “it is evident that the use of ‘sticks’, at least in the form
of economic coercion as a foreign policy tool, does not contribute to the
advancement of human rights” (Peksen 2009).
Economic aid in the form of
development assistance did not show a likelihood of decreasing respect for
human rights. However, it also did not
show that it increased respect for human rights (Richards, Gelleny, and Sacko
2001). Another study compared changes in
the amount of aid given to the changes in human rights practices of the country
receiving the aid. In terms of a causal
relationship between economic aid from the US and the human rights practices of
nations receiving the aid, there was found to be no effect, as “the aid itself
had no discernible impact on changes in the human rights practices of the
recipient countries.” However, the
author of the article asserts that since the aid itself is not effective at
changing human rights practices, if the aid were an indication of how the US
viewed human rights abuses, then change might be possible (Regan 1995). However, aid in the form of International
Monetary Fund programs was “associated with more frequent use of torture and
extra judicial killing…and worsened human rights conditions” (Abouharb and
Cingranelli 2008). The same can be said
for Structural Adjustment Programs, which were shown to reduce respect for all
four aspects of physical integrity rights (Abouharb and Cingranelli 2006).
Some types of foreign aid, however,
have shown to be somewhat helpful.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) and portfolio investment have shown some
promise at increasing respect for human rights (Richards, Gelleny and Sacko
2001). More recent research on FDI shows
there are some questions regarding how to properly measure FDI, though, as
different measures have shown different effects on human rights (Hafner-Burton
2005). Preferential Trade Agreements, if
seen as a type of aid, can also be said to tentatively provide the appearance
of getting results when it comes to getting abuser states to show more respect
for human rights, though the presence of “hard” requirements that condition
preferential treatment on a state’s compliance with human rights standards,
such as the Cotonou Agreement. This
insight is supported by the effects such PTAs had in Togo, Fiji, Pakistan, the
Comoros Islands, and Niger to name a few places where human rights reforms were
implemented as a result of the hard standards (Hafner-Burton 2005).
Foreign aid (other than FDI,
portfolio investment, and PTAs), economic sanctions, and military intervention
all seem to be mostly ineffective in effecting greater respect for human rights
in target states. Because of this it
must be concluded that their utility is extremely low or even nonexistent. This is not true of the three other forms of
foreign aid shown to possibly have some good affect on the respect of human
rights, though only one of those (PTAs with hard standards) are the direct
result of an agreement between states.
The other two are more heavily directed by MNCs and investment agencies,
though they are regulated to some degree by the states.
For all practical purposes the
methods discussed to this point could all be considered coercive measures and
not merely actions of diplomatic engagement.
Even the IMF programs and Structural Adjustment Programs can be seen as
coercive. Abouharb and Cingrinelli
argue, “the relationship between countries on the periphery of the world
economic system and the international financial institutions is far more
coercive than the leaders of the Bank and the Fund are willing to acknowledge
(116). This does not mean that
engagement does not have its place at the table when it comes to increasing
respect for human rights around the world.
It does mean, however, that it is likely that there must be some measure
of coercion to more ensure compliance with human rights norms. Hafner-Burton takes much the same position
when she argues in her 2005 article in International
Organization that, “coercion is much more likely than persuasion (alone) to
be effective” (602).
Assuming the above is true, and
assuming that increasing the respect for human rights globally should be
pursued as a policy objective, then there are a few things the US and other
major powers should do to improve the effectiveness of these policy tools. First, the major powers need to identify the
strongest causal agents for human rights that do not necessitate regime change
or a change in government type. This will
have to be done to reduce the threat any human rights policy changes may have
on an abusive regime, as a requirement of this magnitude is likely to result in
some form of overt hostility. Second,
identify the countries which are most likely to be most easily coerced toward
these determinants. Third, through the
use of PTAs with hard standards, tying aid directly to the implementation of
the determinants, and by allying with related human rights organizations and transnational
advocacy networks, apply pressure for target countries to accept the terms of
the carrots being offered. Fourth, make
it easy for these countries to succeed by providing assistance with any
necessary infrastructure, management and administration training. Fifth, require mandatory auditing of progress
on a regular basis.
One caveat needs to be mentioned at
this point. This is a policy with teeth
that will need to be used on occasion.
Because of this, and because there will likely be some sort of trade
barrier or refusal of necessary aid, the major powers will need to make sure
that any loss of trade with the target country is only minimally disruptive to
their own populations. China,
Bangladesh, Columbia, and Mexico are a few countries that come to mind when
this is considered. With the growing
power of the internet and global communications, it would probably behoove the
human rights advocates, states, and IGOs seeking to promote human rights to
require the target states to grow its internet and communications
infrastructure without limiting access to the online world. In closing, to make something like this even
close to plausible, the United Nations Security Council should support it or a
majority of the General Assembly should support the idea, on a country by
country basis, of course. Barring that,
alliances between regional IGOs could work, though would need to do what it
could with fewer resources than the UN could probably allocate to the
efforts. Lastly, I would do what I could
to make sure that the research that shows what efforts generally fail to
improve human rights, and those efforts that tend to increase abuses, is
disseminated to the TANs, HROs, the press, legislators, executives, and the
public as effectively as possible.
Yeah, it’s a utopian pipe dream, but
it’s my dream.
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